Jun 1Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Thank you for writing The Undertow -- it taught me so much about the nature of the multi-pronged sectors of this political culture that support Trump -- your evocative style made your experiences really alive for me. Helped me recognize more than just intellectually what we're up against

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Thanks for reading, Nancy.

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Feel better! Covid-wise, I mean. The conviction is a prickly, uncomforting joy. I thought I would be happier.

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Jun 1Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Yes, "I am not disgraced here, everything ELSE is a disgrace!" is where he's leading his marks. It seems plenty ridiculous to me, and I have to hope even some of the gulled will find it tired and ridiculous also.

But then I always remember the siege mentality of my Evangelical friends/family. American fundamentalism is a relatively new thing, really a systemic reaction to the Enlightenment as it began to focus its methods on sacred texts in late 19th c. It was borne from siege and it will always consider itself under siege, and that means it needs to acquire Empire power and protection at all costs. That acquisition of Empire Power is fully contrary to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth became immaterial about the time Billy Graham started hanging out with POTUS(es).

And of course, they ALSO stay ready to "shoot your way out" through the pagan (instruments of Satan, not neighbors) if the walls are breached.

TFG (That Felon Guy) understood this intuitively. He now depends upon it.

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Jun 1Liked by Jeff Sharlet

Brilliant! I loved the Wendy Doniger cite. I had her as a professor in my masters program at U of C.

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